Item FG2 Edu
Family Mental Health - Youth Education
We were engaged by the Toronto Catholic District School Board to present our family to family, lived experience mental health recovery content with students across the Toronto district, with over 84,000 students in total.
We shared presentation content & materials in a number of ways to support students, teachers and counsellors, including: live presentations, educator guides, video content from our documentary "The Journey Home", excerpts from our book "Finding Our Way" and connecting course content with our free website
Many high school students experience a mental health condition or are impacted by a family member experiencing it. It is HARD to talk about it, to not feel isolated or to feel comfortable asking for help. We chose to bring the Family Mental Health discussion to students first! We also created custom interviews with high school students that could be used in relevant video clips - for peers, by peers. This helped lead the way to lessen isolation, increase connection and to pass on the learning and hope. Led by TDCSB Chief Psychologist, Dr. Maria Kokai, our Family Mental Health support resources were distributed to schools for use by Teachers, students, principals, Psychological service staff and social workers.
We look forward to working with organizations to create custom content that speaks to your community.